Your next big deal is just a few clicks and calls away. Let's get started!

Sign-up here for a free, 14-day trial of CallPlease for you and your team.
Use the code PBLA19 to extend the trial to 6 weeks!

Join us in celebrating the exceptional work of the member of the Producers Guild of America by taking advantage of special trial offer for CallPlease. With our super-secrect ultra-magical offer code, you can extend that period of free use to 6 weeks! That's as long as the last season of Game of Thrones® and see how great went. Everyone making films and televiion is working towards that next big deal. You will need talent, timing, and the right contacts to make it happen. CallPlease can't bestowe you with talent or taste, but it can help with everything else.

How would you like to use CallPlease?

Not sure which option best fits your needs? Contact our support desk and we'll be happy to lend a hand.
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Create an Individual/Executive Account
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Add Your Assistant
Do you have an Assistant collaborating with you on your calls and messages? If so, add them here (we'll send them an email to get them started). Otherwise, skip this step. You can always add assistant(s) later from the Web app.
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Create an Assistant Account
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Add Your Executive
Now that your account is created, you must create your Executive's account.
Would you like to have your Executive start using CallPlease now, or wait until after you've added some calls to their call log?
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Create a Receptionist Account
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Add Each Person
Create an account, one at a time, for each individual for whom you take calls and messages (we'll send them an email to get them started). Additional people can always be added via the Web app.
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Create a Shared Call Log
People in groups/teams that collaborate on the same calls and call information can use a Shared Call Log. The first step is to create your Shared Call Log.
Now tell us which type of Shared Call Log you want to create:
  • Interactive Shared Call Log : All calls and call info are shared amongst everyone in a group/team – great when multiple people collaborate on the same calls.
  • Queue Shared Call Log : Calls are logged and then assigned to or grabbed by group/team members – great for help desks, sales inquiries, service businesses, etc.
Next, create a CallPlease account for yourself.
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Add Each Person
Now, create an account, one at a time, for each individual who will collaborate with you on the Shared Log (we'll send them an email to get them started). You can also add people later from the Web App after you sign in.
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Create your IT Admin Account
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Your account has been successfully set up and is ready to go. Click below to sign in. You can also use the CallPlease mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Your account has been successfully set up and is ready to go. Your assistant has been sent an email to join CallPlease. Click below to sign in. You can also use the CallPlease Mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Your account has been successfully set up and is ready to go. To get your Executive started, click the link at the top of the main page of our Web App. Click below to sign in. You can also use the CallPlease Mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Your account has been successfully set up and is ready to go. Your Executive has been sent an email to join CallPlease. Click below to sign in. You can also use the CallPlease Mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Your account has been successfully set up and is ready to go. Everyone you've added has been sent an email to join CallPlease. Click below to sign in. You can also use the CallPlease Mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Your account and your Shared Log have been successfully set up and you're ready to go. Everyone you've added has been sent an email to join CallPlease. Click below to sign in. You can also use the CallPlease mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Your account is ready to go. Click below to go to the Web app and start configuring CallPlease for your company.
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